Introducing The One Step and Two Step | Wooden Stools For Kids
We are constantly thinking up ideas for new toys and products. We are so excited to be expanding our product line to include more furniture products.
We would like to welcome our new kids step stools to the All Circles family of products.
When to use the step stools
Here are some ideas on when the step stools can be used and how to encourage the development of the competencies listed above:
- In the bathroom: encourage your child(ren) to brush their teeth and wash their hands on their own. This will not only help them to feel independent and accomplished, it will teach them the importance of basic hygiene tasks.
- At the counter: The stools are a great way to help your little ones get up to where the action is. From helping to mix ingredients, to chopping for meal prep, get your child(ren) involved in the kitchen. Providing children with this opportunity helps them to feel helpful and involved. For the perfect kitchen helper accessory, shop our Little Board + Cutter to provide you child(ren) with a safe tool to chop with.
- Putting toys away: This will help to develop responsibility and help the little ones put toys away where they may not be able to reach without a little help from the stools.
- As a tool to foster imaginative play: Whether the stool acts as a a counter for their shop or a tool to hold their fort up, the stools are a great tool in cultivating imagination.
Visit the One Step or Two Step to view the various sizes and colour options that we offer. Different sizes to match the developmental/physical need of your child and colour options to match your home.